No problem, Jared! I'm happy it was a very simple fix. 

What concerns me is that the 'cluster' commands do not have an analogous 
feature: 'replace' does not do the same thing as 'reip'. 

Is it truly a foregone conclusion that 'reip' is going away? 

Dave Brady 

----- Original Message -----

From: "Jared Morrow" <> 
To: "Dave Brady" <> 
Cc: "Riak Users Mailing List" <> 
Sent: Lundi 21 Octobre 2013 16:17:52 
Subject: Re: 1.4.2: 'riak-admin reip' no longer works? 

This was a mistake on my part, if you s/up/down/ (node_down_check) on that line 
it will correctly ensure the node is down before running reip. Sorry about 
that, clearly 'reip' is not heavily used with the new cluster commands and it 
slipped under the radar for all these months. 


On Mon, Oct 21, 2013 at 7:48 AM, Dave Brady < > wrote: 

Thanks to Joe Caswell at Basho: just have to comment out line 382 
(node_up_check) in the riak-admin script. 

Dave Brady 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dave Brady" < > 
Sent: Lundi 21 Octobre 2013 13:59:37 
Subject: 1.4.2: 'riak-admin reip' no longer works? 

Hi everyone, 

So, I went to copy /var/lib/riak/* from one five-node cluster to another, so 
that we could experiment on the data. 

I did this fairly frequently in the past (< 1.4.0), and always used "riak-admin 
reip <old> <new>". 

Now, when I try that command on our 1.4.2 ring, 'riak-admin' dies with "Node is 
not running!" 

This confuses me, since "reip" requires the ring to be down, but the 
"riak-admin" script is indeed expecting the local node to be running when using 
this option. 

I see on the wiki that it is mentioned that "cluster replace" will replace 
"reip" in the future. I hope not, since "cluster replace" does not provide the 
same functionality. 

Anyone run into this and find a fix? (Or I am missing something obvious?) 


Dave Brady 

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