Riak Recap returns after a busy couple of weeks, including one of the more spectacular developer conferences anywhere in the world, Strange Loop. If you've not yet attended, you're missing out.
Garrett Eardley of Riot Games talked at Strange Loop about migrating from MySQL to Riak for scale; we'll definitely post a link to that talk when it goes public. A few upcoming events: If you're in Berlin and you hurry, you can catch eBay and Wooga talking about using Riak in about an hour: - http://www.meetup.com/Berlin-Riak/events/138533332/ Basho is hosting a party for Erlang Workshop '13 this Friday: - http://lists.basho.com/pipermail/riak-users_lists.basho.com/2013-September/013396.html If you're in the Chicago area next week, Basho engineers will be in town for two days of Erlang goodness: * GOTO Night Chicago, October 3rd, where Steve Vinoski will be talking about implementing Riak in Erlang - http://www.eventbrite.com/event/8224352259/eorg * Erlang Factory Lite, October 4th, where Chris Meiklejohn and Sean Cribbs will be talking - http://www.chicagoerlang.com/ And of course, San Francisco, October 29-30, RICON West returns for another opportunity to see how academics and industry are solving our toughest problems in distributed systems. - http://ricon.io/west.html John twitter.com/macintux ------------------------------------ Riak Recap for September 5 - September 25 ==================== Riak CS 1.4.1 was released. - http://lists.basho.com/pipermail/riak-users_lists.basho.com/2013-September/013232.html Ryan Zezeski announced Yokozuna 0.9.0, including integration into the Riak development branch in preparation for Riak 2.0. - http://lists.basho.com/pipermail/riak-users_lists.basho.com/2013-September/013229.html Citrix released CloudPlatform 4.2, which adds S3-compatible object storage, thus making integration with Riak CS possible. - http://basho.com/citrix-cloudplatform-4-2-enables-tighter-riak-cs-integration/ Hector Castro wrote instructions on generating Docker images with Riak. - http://docs.docker.io/en/latest/examples/running_riak_service/ - https://github.com/hectcastro/docker-riak Additionally, Hector wrote a blog post on configuring S3 clients to talk to Riak CS. - http://basho.com/riak-cs-proxy-vs-direct-configuration/ Seth Thomas wrote his first Basho blog post, describing the history and makeup of our Chef cookbook. - http://basho.com/the-evolution-of-bashos-chef-cookbook/ Drew Kerrigan wrote a sample Sinatra application that talks to Yokozuna. - http://www.drewkerrigan.com/?p=84 Inspired by Drew, Bryce Kerley wrote up a blog about using Yokozuna with the Ruby client. - http://blog.brycekerley.net/post/61080087619/a-nicer-syntax-for-nicer-search Bryce also announced the Riak Ruby Client v1.4.2. - http://lists.basho.com/pipermail/riak-users_lists.basho.com/2013-September/013353.html Jeremiah Peschka announced CorrugatedIron v1.4.2. - http://lists.basho.com/pipermail/riak-users_lists.basho.com/2013-September/013257.html Brett Langdon wrote a Riak HTTP client that mimics the memcached interface. - https://github.com/brettlangdon/riakcached We published a handful of Riak Use Cases on the Basho Blog over the past week. You should read them all. - Rovio - http://basho.com/rovio-uses-riak-to-power-angry-birds-toons-and-new-mobile-games/ - Praekelt Foundation (h/t to Simon de Haan et al): http://basho.com/praekelt-foundation-deploys-riak/ - Superfeedr (h/t to Julien Genestoux) http://basho.com/superfeedr-deploys-riak-for-the-cave/ _______________________________________________ riak-users mailing list riak-users@lists.basho.com http://lists.basho.com/mailman/listinfo/riak-users_lists.basho.com