Great!  Glad it's resolved.

- Chris

On Fri, Aug 16, 2013 at 10:35 AM, Dave Martorana <> wrote:

> Chris,
> I added the node name to /etc/hosts and everything worked like a charm. I
> appreciate the help - this was a bizarre one for me, and I would never have
> looked in the console.
> Cheers,
> Dave
> On Thu, Aug 15, 2013 at 5:30 PM, Chris Meiklejohn 
> <>wrote:
>> It appears that Yokozuna is failing to start because it can't resolve the
>> local host name.  Can you verify that /etc/hosts looks correct, and that
>> you have nameservers properly configured on that host?
>> - Chris
>> On Thu, Aug 15, 2013 at 2:05 PM, Dave Martorana <>wrote:
>>> Hi Chris,
>>> After waiting for about 5 minutes, this is the entirety of the output. I
>>> never do get a console prompt (I tried hitting enter, etc.)
>>> riak% bin/riak console
>>> Node 'riak@' not responding to pings.
>>> config is OK
>>> Exec: /riak/riak/rel/riak/bin/../erts-5.9.2/bin/erlexec -boot
>>> /riak/riak/rel/riak/bin/../releases/1.4.0/riak              -config
>>> /riak/riak/rel/riak/bin/../etc/app.config             -pa
>>> /riak/riak/rel/riak/bin/../lib/basho-patches             -args_file
>>> /riak/riak/rel/riak/bin/../etc/vm.args -- console
>>> Root: /riak/riak/rel/riak/bin/..
>>> Erlang R15B02 (erts-5.9.2) [source] [64-bit] [smp:1:1]
>>> [async-threads:64] [kernel-poll:true]
>>> So, I hit ctrl-c and printed the proc info, and found the following:
>>> Message queue: [{#Port<0.7016>,{data,"Error: Exception thrown by the
>>> agent "}},{#Port<0.7016>,{data,": Local
>>> host name unknown: riak: riak: node name or
>>> service name not
>>> known"}},{#Port<0.7016>,{data,"\n"}},{#Port<0.7016>,{exit_status,1}},{'EXIT',#Port<0.7016>,normal}]
>>> So, maybe finally I have a clue. "Local host name unknown"? "hostname"
>>> returns "riak"...
>>> Dave
>>> On Thu, Aug 15, 2013 at 4:09 PM, Chris Meiklejohn <
>>> > wrote:
>>>> Hi Dave,
>>>> I just built Yokozuna 0.8.0 from the packages available, and noticed
>>>> some behavior which might be related.  Because the Yokozuna OTP application
>>>> starts before Riak Control and it's dependencies, there is a short period
>>>> where Riak Control will be unavailable.  Can you try the following:
>>>> 1. Start riak via 'riak console'.
>>>> 2. Wait until you see the something similar to the following:
>>>> '13:06:08.553 [info] Application riak_control started on node '
>>>> dev1@'
>>>> 3. Try accessing Riak Control.
>>>> - Chris
>>>> On Wed, Aug 14, 2013 at 4:02 PM, Dave Martorana <>wrote:
>>>>> Also, not that this makes any difference, but I noticed that
>>>>> http://localhost:8098/stats when in master has a "disks" entry in the
>>>>> dictionary while the 0.8.0 Yokozuna build is missing that dictionary entry
>>>>> from stats. Other than that, everything looks similar.
>>>>> Dave
>>>>> On Wed, Aug 14, 2013 at 6:58 PM, Dave Martorana <>wrote:
>>>>>> Here is my build (make) log
>>>>>> and "make rel" log
>>>>>> using the 0.8.0 .tar.gz download of Yokozuna.
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Dave
>>>>>> On Wed, Aug 14, 2013 at 6:54 PM, Dave Martorana <>wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Chris,
>>>>>>> I've built from the "official" Yokozuna 0.8.0 download, as well
>>>>>>> as rz-yz-merge-1.4.0 and rz-yz-merge-master branches off of the riak 
>>>>>>> repo.
>>>>>>> When I build from master, Riak Control works fine.
>>>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>>>> Dave
>>>>>>> On Wed, Aug 14, 2013 at 6:52 PM, Christopher Meiklejohn <
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Dave,
>>>>>>>> Can you provide the tag, or SHA, that you've built Riak from?
>>>>>>>> - Chris
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> Christopher Meiklejohn
>>>>>>>> Software Engineer
>>>>>>>> Basho Technologies, Inc.
>>>>>>>> On Wednesday, August 14, 2013 at 3:45 PM, Dave Martorana wrote:
>>>>>>>> > Hi all,
>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>> > I have Riak building on omnios, with Erlang R15B02, and Oracle
>>>>>>>> JDK 1.7.0_25.
>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>> > Everything appears to be building just fine. However... even
>>>>>>>> though I have Yokozuna and Riak Control enabled in my app.config, 
>>>>>>>> neither
>>>>>>>> are able to be used or - it seems - start up. I can confirm that kv is
>>>>>>>> working fine.
>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>> > app.config:
>>>>>>>> > console.log:
>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>> > Oddly, console.log doesn't show any mention of Riak Control. It
>>>>>>>> does show the startup line for Solr at the end. However, the webapp 
>>>>>>>> only
>>>>>>>> has the following links:
>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>> > riak_kv_wm_buckets
>>>>>>>> > riak_kv_wm_buckets
>>>>>>>> > riak_kv_wm_counter
>>>>>>>> > riak_kv_wm_index
>>>>>>>> > riak_kv_wm_keylist
>>>>>>>> > riak_kv_wm_link_walker
>>>>>>>> > riak_kv_wm_link_walker
>>>>>>>> > riak_kv_wm_mapred
>>>>>>>> > riak_kv_wm_object
>>>>>>>> > riak_kv_wm_object
>>>>>>>> > riak_kv_wm_ping
>>>>>>>> > riak_kv_wm_props
>>>>>>>> > riak_kv_wm_stats
>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>> > There is no admin/control, and no yz. Any attempt to link to
>>>>>>>> /yz/* or /admin results in a 404.
>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>> > I'm at a bit of a loss. There is nothing in error.log or
>>>>>>>> crash.log. yokozuna.jar builds fine. Riak Control appears to be built 
>>>>>>>> fine.
>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>> > Any thoughts?
>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>> > Cheers,
>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>> > Dave
>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>> > P.S. - I have also built the git rz-yz-merge-1.4.0 branch of the
>>>>>>>> riak repo on github just to be sure. Same result. Building Riak from 
>>>>>>>> master
>>>>>>>> - while obviously not having Yokozuna - does have Riak Control enabled.
>>>>>>>> Thanks!
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