Thanks Jared. I wonder why my searching didn't locate these issues on GitHub? My Google-fu must be lacking. :-)

It doesn't seem to be causing us any problems and @beerriot's comments on #49 seem to indicate the messages are safe to ignore so that's what I'll do until we're ready to upgrade.

Thanks again!

On 07/08/13 00:22, Jared Morrow wrote:

This bug was fixed in Riak 1.4.x in this commit which was backported to 1.3.2
with this  I'm not an expert on
the issue itself, so I'll have to ask if those messages are something that
are safe to ignore.


On Mon, Aug 5, 2013 at 8:43 AM, Shane McEwan <> wrote:


Nearly every day since upgrading to Riak 1.3.1 I've been seeing the
following errors on random nodes:

2013-08-05 01:00:05.775 [error] <0.212.0> Supervisor riak_pipe_fitting_sup
had child undefined started with riak_pipe_fitting:start_link() at <
0.26698.882> exit with reason noproc in context shutdown_error

2013-08-05 14:14:35.431 [error] <0.709.0> Supervisor riak_kv_mrc_sink_sup
had child undefined started with riak_kv_mrc_sink:start_link() at <
0.18229.970> exit with reason noproc in context shutdown_error

What do they mean? I suspect I can ignore them as they're very similar to
the "{sink_died,normal}" messages that we would occasionally get with
previous versions. However, if they're not indicative of a problem why are
they reported as an [error]?

Can someone shed some light on these errors?



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