
Nearly every day since upgrading to Riak 1.3.1 I've been seeing the following errors on random nodes:

2013-08-05 01:00:05.775 [error] <0.212.0> Supervisor riak_pipe_fitting_sup had child undefined started with riak_pipe_fitting:start_link() at <0.26698.882> exit with reason noproc in context shutdown_error

2013-08-05 14:14:35.431 [error] <0.709.0> Supervisor riak_kv_mrc_sink_sup had child undefined started with riak_kv_mrc_sink:start_link() at <0.18229.970> exit with reason noproc in context shutdown_error

What do they mean? I suspect I can ignore them as they're very similar to the "{sink_died,normal}" messages that we would occasionally get with previous versions. However, if they're not indicative of a problem why are they reported as an [error]?

Can someone shed some light on these errors?



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