On 21 Jul 2013, at 19:15, Siraaj Khandkar <sir...@khandkar.net> wrote:
> On 07/21/2013 04:54 PM, Russell Brown wrote:
>> On 21 Jul 2013, at 14:20, Siraaj Khandkar <sir...@khandkar.net> wrote:
>>> On 07/21/2013 07:24 AM, Russell Brown wrote:> Hi,
>>>> On 21 Jul 2013, at 02:09, Siraaj Khandkar <sir...@khandkar.net> wrote:
>>>>> I (sequentially) made 146204 inserts of unique objects to a single
>>>>> bucket.  Several secondary indices (most with unique values) were set
>>>>> for each object, one of which was "bucket" = BucketName (to use 2i
>>>>> for listing all keys).
>>>> There is a special $bucket index for this already, please see the docs
>>>> here http://docs.basho.com/riak/latest/dev/using/2i/
>>> Yeah... I stumbled on that piece of info in another doc about two days
>>> ago - made me feel both stupid and validated :)
>>> However, it doesn't seem to work for me - I always get: {ok,{keys,[]}}
>> Curious. How do you make the 2i query to the $bucket index?
> Just as bellow, but with "$bucket" instead of "bucket":
> Index = {binary_index, "$bucket"},
> riakc_pb_socket:get_index(PID, Bucket, Index, Bucket).

riakc_pb:socket:get_index(Pid, Bucket, <<"$bucket">>, Bucket).

As in the "$bucket" index is not a binary index, ($bucket_bin is what you've 
been using inadvertently)

Sorry it is not better documented. 

>>>> Oh. Erm. Have you deleted some keys? 2i is essentially an r=1 query.
>>> Sort-of. This was a second instance of this batch insertion (a slightly
>>> extended set of keys), the first one was deleted ~6 hours prior to
>>> executing the second one.
>>> At the end of the deletion there _were_ some tombstones left. Frankly I
>>> do not remember with certainty if there are overlaps between tombstones
>>> from previous delete and the keys in question. In retrospect - it was
>>> big failure on my part not to take note of those.
>>> After the second instance of the set insertion - there were _no_
>>> more deletions.
>>> So, in summary:
>>> 1) Inserted the set
>>> 2) Deleted the set
>>> 3) 6 hours passed
>>> 4) Inserted the set
>>> 5) Observed the problem
>> What is your delete_mode setting, please 
>> (http://docs.basho.com/riak/latest/ops/advanced/configs/configuration-files/)?
> It is not configured explicitly, so I am assuming the default 3 second delay.
> >
>> Did the second insert do a fetch to get a tombstone vclock before trying to 
>> overwrite the key, or a PUT with an empty vclock?
> >
> PUT with an empty vclock.

I need to look into this more, take some time to reproduce it, but I imagine it 
is something to do with deletes and then re-inserting the keys.

I'll post when I get something for you.



>>>>> Now, I understand there may be a replication lag, but this state has
>>>>> remained for over 3 days now.
>>>>> "What is fucked, and why?" :)
>>>> Good question.
>>> I was hoping this list would appreciate the reference :)
>>>> Could you provide some more details to help me figure it out: How many
>>>> nodes are you running?
>>> 5
>>>> Can you provide an example of the 2i queries you're running?
>>> This is how I am testing it:
>>>    Compare = fun(PID, Bucket) ->
>>>        B = Bucket,
>>>        L1 = riakc_pb_socket:get_index(PID, B, {binary_index, "bucket"}, B),
>>>        L2 = riakc_pb_socket:get_index(PID, B, {binary_index, "bucket"}, B),
>>>        io:format("L1: ~b, L2: ~b~n",[length(L1), length(L2)]),
>>>        Diff_L1_L2 = L1 -- L2,
>>>        Diff_L2_L1 = L2 -- L1,
>>>        io:format("=== L1 -- L2 ===~n~p~n~n", [Diff_L1_L2]),
>>>        io:format("=== L2 -- L1 ===~n~p~n~n", [Diff_L2_L1]),
>>>        Fetch = fun(Key) ->
>>>            case riakc_pb_socket:get(PID, B, Key) of
>>>                {ok, _}    -> io:format("FOUND: ~p~n", [Key]);
>>>                {error, _} -> io:format("NOT FOUND: ~p~n", [Key])
>>>            end
>>>        end,
>>>        io:format("=== L1 -- L2 ===~n"),
>>>        lists:foreach(Fetch, Diff_L1_L2),
>>>        io:format("=== L2 -- L1 ===~n"),
>>>        lists:foreach(Fetch, Diff_L2_L1)
>>>    end.
>>> Which results in differences _sometimes_, but _always_ fails on get.
>>>> If this is just a dev cluster, can you verify the keys are present /
>>>> absent using either a range 2i $keys query, or a key list, please?
>>> Unfortunately this is prod, so brute-force key list is out of the
>>> question.
>>> Running:
>>>    curl "$bucket/index/\$keys_bin/0/z";
>>> Returns:
>>>    {"keys":[]}

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