
On 21 Jul 2013, at 02:09, Siraaj Khandkar <sir...@khandkar.net> wrote:

> I (sequentially) made 146204 inserts of unique objects to a single bucket. 
> Several secondary indices (most with unique values) were set for each object, 
> one of which was "bucket" = BucketName (to use 2i for listing all keys).

There is a special $bucket index for this already, please see the docs here 

> 6 of the objects appear to have been lost - they're consistently not found by 
> GETs (by key) and are not found by 2i queries to the indices with unique 
> values.

Are you sure they were inserted? Was there an error during your batch insert?

> However, the "bucket" index search returns them _sometimes_.

Oh. Erm. Have you deleted some keys? 2i is essentially an r=1 query.

> Now, I understand there may be a replication lag, but this state has remained 
> for over 3 days now.
> "What is fucked, and why?" :)

Good question.

Could you provide some more details to help me figure it out: How many nodes 
are you running? Can you provide an example of the 2i queries you're running? 
If this is just a dev cluster, can you verify the keys are present / absent 
using either a range 2i $keys query, or a key list, please?



> System info:
>    OS: Ubuntu 12.04
>    Riak: 1.4
>    N: 3
>    W: 2
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