In using riak_kv_memory_backend as a replacement of sorts for Redis or
memcached, is there any serious problem with using a single node and an
n_val of 1? I can’t (yet) afford 5 high-RAM servers for a caching layer,
and was looking to replace our memcached box with a Redis one. In the
interest of reducing disparate-technology reliance, running a single-node
riak_kv_memory_backend instance would be preferable, unless there are
serious concerns *aside* from data loss.

For us, it’s it’s still a LRU-destroy-model cache, and losing it to machine
failure is only a minor, temporary impediment. Any reason not to run a
single-node memory-only “cluster” as a replacement for a single-machine
memcached or Redis instance?

On Thu, Jul 18, 2013 at 11:23 AM, Guido Medina <>wrote:

>  Forgot to mention, with N=2 should he be able to have only 4 nodes and
> focus on RAM per node rather than 5?
> I know is not recommended but shouldn't N=2 reduce the minimum recommended
> nodes to 4?
> Guido.
> On 18/07/13 16:21, Guido Medina wrote:
> Since the data he is requiring to store is only "transient", would it make
> sense to set N=2 for performance? Or will N=2 have the opposite effect due
> to amount of nodes having such replica?
> Guido.
> On 18/07/13 16:15, Jared Morrow wrote:
> Kumar,
>  We have a few customers who use the memory backend.  The first example I
> could find (with the help of our CSE team) uses the memory backend on 8
> machines with 12gb of ram each.
>  I know you are just testing right now, but we'd suggest using 5 node
> minimum.  With N=3 on a 3-node cluster you could be writing multiple
> replicas to the same machine.
>  Good luck in your testing,
> -Jared
> On Thu, Jul 18, 2013 at 8:38 AM, kpandey <> wrote:
>> Are there known production installation of riak that uses
>> riak_kv_memory_backend.  We have a need to store transient data just in
>> memory ( never hitting persistent store). I'm testing riak on aws with 3
>> node cluster and looks good so far.   Just wanted to find out what kind of
>> setup people are using in production.
>> Thanks
>> Kumar
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