Hi Chris

The video didn't include any information that I hadn't figured out. My problem 
is that I can't get it to work. I get the nice riak-cs admin page in my browser 
on port 8000 but it shows no users (perhaps reasonable because I only have 
succeeded in creating a single user so far - the admin user) and the create 
user function fails (with the error previously mentioned).

I've sent you my config files, though since then I've tried what feels like a 
thousand variants all to no avail. If the config is wrong enough riak-cs won't 
start, and when it does I can't do a thing.

I'm sure Riak cs is a great product, once it's set up! I just don't seem to be 
able to get over that hurdle. 

Guy Morton
Web Development Manager
Brüel & Kjær EMS

From: Christopher Meiklejohn [cmeiklej...@basho.com]
Sent: Monday, 1 July 2013 4:26 PM
To: Guy Morton
Cc: riak-users@lists.basho.com
Subject: Re: Riak-CS-Control

Hi Guy,

Here is a good video introduction to configuring Riak CS Control:


Let me know if you run into any specific issues and I'm happy to help.  I'm 
also lurking in the #riak room on Freenode (nick: cmeiklejohn) if you need 
further help (any of us should be able to!)

- Chris

Christopher Meiklejohn
Software Engineer
Basho Technologies, Inc.

On Monday, July 1, 2013 at 2:14 AM, Guy Morton wrote:

> Also, I just found this - riak-cs-control... None of the install/config 
> documents I saw previously mentioned it, or that it should be configured, or 
> how. It seems to control the web interface referred to in my last email...
> Where is the most up-to-date info about Riak CS and how to set it up? I am 
> trying to set it up on Debian squeeze and I'm still floundering. I seem very 
> close to having it working, but not quite. It's a bit frustrating! Is it just 
> me, or is it complex to get working?
> --
> Guy Morton
> Web Development Manager
> Brüel & Kjær EMS
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