is this just me or has anyone else experienced some weird behavior trying to 
save data into riak using riak-js? My updates are all of a sudden misbehaving.
I upgraded to 0.10.0 since friday night

On May 4, 2013, at 2:43 PM, José Ghislain Quenum <> 

> Hi Mathias,
> I didn't use any debug flag. I just did it again and it still created a Debug 
> folder instead of Release. Maybe it's my node_gyp> I need to check. Has 
> anyone else experienced this?
> BTW I am using OS X Mountain Lion
> José
> On May 4, 2013, at 12:24 PM, Mathias Meyer <> wrote:
>> José,
>> Do you use any debug flags for npm of sorts?
>> I just tried a fresh install, and npm compiled the library into the Release 
>> folder.
>> Cheers, Mathias
>> On Saturday, 4. May 2013 at 12:01, José Ghislain Quenum wrote:
>>> in node_modules in my project inside 
>>> riak-js/niode_modules/protobuf.js/node_modules/wtf8/wtf8.js 
>>> var wtf8 = require('./build/Release/wtf8.node');
>>> but there is no Release folder. Only Debug
>>> On May 3, 2013, at 9:15 PM, Mathias Meyer <> wrote:
>>>> José,
>>>> Could you elaborate a bit more on that? Not sure I fully understand what 
>>>> you mean.
>>>> Thanks!
>>>> Cheers, Mathias
>>>> On Friday, 3. May 2013 at 21:10, José Ghislain Quenum wrote:
>>>>> thanks again for the update. the wtf8.node you point at is not there (no 
>>>>> Release folder). I pointed to the Debug one and it is fine. Maybe you 
>>>>> wanna fix it
>>>>> José
>>>>> On May 3, 2013, at 5:55 PM, Mathias Meyer <> wrote:
>>>>>> Heya,
>>>>>> Just shipped riak-js 0.10.0, with support for Protocol Buffers: 
>>>>>> To use protobufs, specify a different API option when creating a client:
>>>>>> var riak = require('riak-js').getClient({api: 'protobuf'})
>>>>>> I'd love to have some feedback on how the protobuffs support works with 
>>>>>> real workloads, if anyone feels like trying it out. Please report any 
>>>>>> issues you're seeing:
>>>>>> Currently it's still using a single connection, but I'll work on adding 
>>>>>> connection pooling next. Already merged Andrew J. Stone's support for 
>>>>>> pooled HTTP connection into the current master, will work off that for 
>>>>>> protobuffs as well.
>>>>>> Thanks to Nathan LaFreniere for his awesome riakpbc and protobuf.js 
>>>>>> libraries, which helped me a lot!
>>>>>> Cheers, Mathias
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