
sys_process_count is somewhere between 5k and 11k on the nodes right now. Concerning your suggested +P config, according to the erlang-docs, the default for this param already is 262144, so setting it to 655536 would in fact lower it?

We chose the ring size to be able to handle growth which was the main reason to switch from mysql to nosql/riak. We have 12 Nodes, so about 86 vnodes per node.

No, we don't monitor object sizes, the majority of objects is very small (below 200 bytes), but we have objects storing references to this small objects which might grow to a few megabytes in size, most of these are paged though and should not exceed one megabyte. Only one type is not paged (implementation reasons).

The outgoing/incoming traffic constantly is around 100 Mbit, if the peformance drops happen, we suddenly see spikes up to 1GBit. And these spikes constantly happen on three nodes as long as the performance drop exists.


Am 03.04.2013 17:12, schrieb Evan Vigil-McClanahan:

riak-admin status | grep sys_process_count

will tell you how many processes are running.  The default process
limit on erlang is a little low, and we'd suggest raising in
(especially with your extra-large ring_size).   Erlang processes are
cheap, so 65535 or even double that will be fine.

Busy dist ports are still worrying.  Are you monitoring object sizes?
Are there any spikes there associated with performance drops?

On Wed, Apr 3, 2013 at 8:03 AM, Ingo Rockel
<ingo.roc...@bluelionmobile.com> wrote:
Hi Evan,

I set swt very_low and zdbbl to 64MB, setting this params helped reducing
the busy_dist_port and Monitor got {suppressed,... Messages a lot. But when
the performance of the cluster suddenly drops we still see these messages.

The cluster was updated to 1.3 in the meantime.

The eleveldb section:

  %% eLevelDB Config
  {eleveldb, [
              {data_root, "/var/lib/riak/leveldb"},
              {cache_size, 33554432},
              {write_buffer_size_min, 67108864}, %% 64 MB in bytes
              {write_buffer_size_max, 134217728}, %% 128 MB in bytes
              {max_open_files, 4000}

the ring size is 1024 and the machines have 48GB of memory. Concerning the
params from vm.args:

-env ERL_MAX_PORTS 4096

+P isn't set


Am 03.04.2013 16:53, schrieb Evan Vigil-McClanahan:

For your prior mail, I thought that someone had answered.  Our initial
suggestion was to add +swt very_low to your vm.args, as well as
setting the +zdbbl setting that Jon recommended in the list post you
pointed to.  If those help, moving to 1.3 should help more.

Other limits in vm.args that can cause problems are +P, ERL_MAX_PORTS,
and  ERL_MAX_ETS_TABLES.  Are any of these set?  If so, to what?

Can you also pate the eleveldb section of your app.config?

On Wed, Apr 3, 2013 at 7:41 AM, Ingo Rockel
<ingo.roc...@bluelionmobile.com> wrote:

Hi Evan,

I'm not sure, I find a lot of these:

2013-03-30 23:27:52.992 [error]
<0.8036.323>@riak_api_pb_server:handle_info:141 Unrecognized message

and some of these at the same time one of the kind below gets logged
(although the one has a different time stamp):

2013-03-30 23:27:53.056 [error] <0.9457.323>@riak_kv_console:status:178
Status failed error:terminated


Am 03.04.2013 16:24, schrieb Evan Vigil-McClanahan:

Resending to the list:


That is an indication that the protocol buffers server can't spawn a
put fsm, which means that a put cannot be done for some reason or
another.  Are there any other messages that appear around this time
that might indicate why?

On Wed, Apr 3, 2013 at 12:09 AM, Ingo Rockel
<ingo.roc...@bluelionmobile.com> wrote:


we have some performance issues with our riak cluster, from time to
have a sudden drop in performance (already asked the list about this,
had an idea though). Although not the same time but on the problematic
we have a lot of these messages from time to time:

2013-04-02 21:41:11.173 [warning] <0.25646.475> ** Can not start
















eout,60000}]]] on 'riak@' **

Can anyone explain to me what these messages mean and if I need to do
something about it? Could these messages be in any way related to the
performance issues?


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qeep: Hefferwolf


Software Architect

Blue Lion mobile GmbH
Tel. +49 (0) 221 788 797 14
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