Just adding a bit more info at the request of shino1.

I've got a URL 


which yields

        <Message>Access Denied</Message>

I've got an nginx server out the front of 2 CS instances but I've also run that 
URL directly against the CS instances and encountered the same result. I don't 
see any entries in the logs for Riak/Riak CS/Stanchion about the request aside 
from the 403 in the CS access logs. 


Begin forwarded message:

> From: Dave Finster <davefins...@me.com>
> Subject: Issue with Riak CS Pre-Authenticated URL
> Date: 27 March 2013 11:46:41 PM AEST
> To: riak-users@lists.basho.com
> Hi Everyone
> Have been playing with Riak and now CS for a little while and have got 
> everything working by just using the aws-sdk gem and dropped my CS 
> credentials and endpoint in. I do seem to have encountered an issue with the 
> generation of pre-authenticated urls, or the query string auth method. The 
> aws-sdk uses the S3Object.url_for method (source here: 
> https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-ruby/blob/master/lib/aws/s3/s3_object.rb ) 
> which appears to property follow the auth guidelines 
> (http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/RESTAuthentication.html#RESTAuthenticationQueryStringAuth).
> I'm trying to do a simple GET request for a file in a bucket and every URL 
> that gets generated comes back with 'Access Denied' and 403. The CS access 
> logs also show the same. 
> Wondering if anyone has any tips for diagnosing this issue further. At the 
> moment I've just got my Ruby code downloading the stored file to a TempFile 
> and then feeding that back to the client. Using s3cmd and aws-sdk to fetch 
> the file works fine - just seems to be something to do with the query string 
> auth method.
> Thanks,
> Dave

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