Hi Everyone
Have been playing with Riak and now CS for a little while and have got
everything working by just using the aws-sdk gem and dropped my CS credentials
and endpoint in. I do seem to have encountered an issue with the generation of
pre-authenticated urls, or the query string auth method. The aws-sdk uses the
S3Object.url_for method (source here:
https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-ruby/blob/master/lib/aws/s3/s3_object.rb ) which
appears to property follow the auth guidelines
I'm trying to do a simple GET request for a file in a bucket and every URL that
gets generated comes back with 'Access Denied' and 403. The CS access logs also
show the same.
Wondering if anyone has any tips for diagnosing this issue further. At the
moment I've just got my Ruby code downloading the stored file to a TempFile and
then feeding that back to the client. Using s3cmd and aws-sdk to fetch the file
works fine - just seems to be something to do with the query string auth method.
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