
(I'll finish this response this time!)

How often is this MapReduce query being run?  Is the execution of this
MapReduce query done in a controlled manner (for instance, not initiated by
users of your application)?

The actual use case of MapReduce queries are important in determining the
sensibility of using MapReduce.  A MapReduce query that has the potential
to be executed at an untested frequency can cause unintended load on the
cluster.  If the frequency of the MapReduce query is known, it can be
tested under production load to determine the overall affect it has on the

You can also test this against your second suggestion, combining multiple
MapReduce queries with successive / concurrent GETs to determine which
method is more efficient in your situation.


John Caprice

On Mon, Mar 25, 2013 at 9:28 PM, John Caprice <> wrote:

> Matt,
> How often is this MapReduce query being run?  Is the execution of this
> MapReduce query done in a controlled manner (for instance, not initiated by
> users of your application)?
> The actual use case of MapReduce queries are important in determining
> Thanks,
> John Caprice
> On Mon, Mar 25, 2013 at 9:17 PM, Matt Black <>wrote:
>> Hi list,
>> I have a non-trivial map reduce query which traverses links between
>> objects across several map phases, constructing a composite object enroute.
>> One of our links is one-to-many, so I use a reduce phase to flatten my set
>> of objects at the end.
>> Would a query of this type be better done as a smaller M/R query to get
>> the base set of objects, and then multiple concurrent gets for the related
>> objects? Is it sensible to do map reduce jobs with many map and reduce
>> phases?
>> I appreciate this question is somewhat open ended, but any input would be
>> welcome.
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