
How often is this MapReduce query being run?  Is the execution of this
MapReduce query done in a controlled manner (for instance, not initiated by
users of your application)?

The actual use case of MapReduce queries are important in determining


John Caprice

On Mon, Mar 25, 2013 at 9:17 PM, Matt Black <>wrote:

> Hi list,
> I have a non-trivial map reduce query which traverses links between
> objects across several map phases, constructing a composite object enroute.
> One of our links is one-to-many, so I use a reduce phase to flatten my set
> of objects at the end.
> Would a query of this type be better done as a smaller M/R query to get
> the base set of objects, and then multiple concurrent gets for the related
> objects? Is it sensible to do map reduce jobs with many map and reduce
> phases?
> I appreciate this question is somewhat open ended, but any input would be
> welcome.
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