
Where I got lost was the fact that I was using custom Converter and I did
not do anything with vclock passed into fromDomain().
That was undetected because at the same time I wasn't using withoutFetch,
which I believe is the only moment where missing @RiakVClock annotation
can be detected. Normally when JSONConverter is used missing @RiakVClock
would also be detected.
Could you confirm?

Few additional, related questions:
- if I use byte[] or VClock field and use withoutFetch() what is default
value it should be set to (since it will be extracted via StoreObject)?
- if I want to avoid overwriting deleted keys, I guess I need to set
returnDeletedVClock as below,
     DomainBucketBuilder<Custom> builder = DomainBucket.builder(bucket,

and then check isDeleted on sibblings and use ConditionalStoreMutation to
return false id one of he sibblings has that flag set to true?
I believe it needs to use VClock of deleted sibbling as well?


The .withoutFetch() method isn't available when using the DomanBucket.
> As for the vector clock, when using .withoutFetch() the .execute()
> method of StoreObject is going to extract the vector clock from the
> POJO returned from your Mutation by looking for a VectorClock or
> byte[] field that is annotated with @RiakVClock. It is then passed to
> the Converter's .fromDomain() method as an argument.  If you are
> storing an object you previously fetched from Riak, that vector clock
> and annotation needs to be there.
> The easiest way to implement that is:
> 1. Have a VectorClock or byte[] field in your POJO annotated with
> @RiakVClock
> 2. When you fetch, in the .toDomain() method of your Converter have
> the line of code you noted.
> 3. When you store, the vector clock stored in that field will be
> passed to the .fromDomain() method of your Converter. Make sure to
> call the .withVClock(vclock) method of the RiakObjectBuilder or
> explicitly set it in the IRiakObject being returned.
> - Roach
> On Fri, Mar 8, 2013 at 3:31 PM, Daniel Iwan <> wrote:
> > Somehow I cannot find a way to avoid pre-fetch during store operation
> (Java
> > client).
> > I know in StoreObject there is withoutFetch method for that purpose but I
> > cannot find corresponding method/property in DomainBucket or
> > DomainBucketBuilder
> >
> > Am I missing something?
> >
> > Also on related note when withoutFetch is used I guess I need to provide
> > annotated RiakVClock field and use something like:
> >
> > VClockUtil.setVClock(domainObject, riakObject.getVClock());
> >
> > in my Converter. Is that right or is there better way to do it?
> >
> >
> > I'm using Riak Java client 1.1.0
> >
> > Thanks
> > Daniel
> >
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