Daniel -

The .withoutFetch() method isn't available when using the DomanBucket.

As for the vector clock, when using .withoutFetch() the .execute()
method of StoreObject is going to extract the vector clock from the
POJO returned from your Mutation by looking for a VectorClock or
byte[] field that is annotated with @RiakVClock. It is then passed to
the Converter's .fromDomain() method as an argument.  If you are
storing an object you previously fetched from Riak, that vector clock
and annotation needs to be there.

The easiest way to implement that is:
1. Have a VectorClock or byte[] field in your POJO annotated with @RiakVClock

2. When you fetch, in the .toDomain() method of your Converter have
the line of code you noted.

3. When you store, the vector clock stored in that field will be
passed to the .fromDomain() method of your Converter. Make sure to
call the .withVClock(vclock) method of the RiakObjectBuilder or
explicitly set it in the IRiakObject being returned.

- Roach

On Fri, Mar 8, 2013 at 3:31 PM, Daniel Iwan <iwan.dan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Somehow I cannot find a way to avoid pre-fetch during store operation (Java
> client).
> I know in StoreObject there is withoutFetch method for that purpose but I
> cannot find corresponding method/property in DomainBucket or
> DomainBucketBuilder
> Am I missing something?
> Also on related note when withoutFetch is used I guess I need to provide
> annotated RiakVClock field and use something like:
> VClockUtil.setVClock(domainObject, riakObject.getVClock());
> in my Converter. Is that right or is there better way to do it?
> I'm using Riak Java client 1.1.0
> Thanks
> Daniel
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