I am trying to follow the instructions at
ws-Azure/. For now I am setting up two nodes. The first node works fine. But
with the second node I am not able to specify a DNS name (since it is not
stand alone). So effectively what I call 'node2' doesn't exist. It shows up
in the portal but PuTTY opening to node2.cloudapp.net does not exist (at
least I cannot connect). They both have the same public IP address. The
instructions indicate that I should install riak on both machines:


1.   On each node, once you've connected using the steps above:


sudo su -


curl -s
https://raw.github.com/glickbot/riak_on_azure/master/azure_install_riak.sh |


But since I cannot SSH to the second node I cannot do this. Am I missing
something in the instructions?


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