
Sorry, I meant expiry_secs apples to a backend.  All data in a given backend is 
subject to expiration--as defined in the backend configuration--by the merge 
process each time it runs.

From: Nathan Wilken
Sent: Friday, December 07, 2012 3:27 PM
To: Ian Ha;
Subject: RE: Does changing backend configs apply to existing data?

The expiry_secs parameter applies to a bucket.  This means all data in a given 
bucket is subject to expiration--as defined in the bucket configuration--by the 
merge process each time it runs.

From: riak-users [] on behalf of Ian Ha 
Sent: Friday, December 07, 2012 12:55 PM
Subject: Does changing backend configs apply to existing data?

We have a situation where our production riak cluster is missing config 
information. Specifically, we are running bitcask as our backend and we did not 
define an expiry_secs value, meaning data lives forever (which we don't want).

Question: If we changed the config and define expiry_secs, does the expiry 
condition apply to all existing data or only to new data?

Thanks in advance
riak-users mailing list

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