Hey Mark,

really sorry if I sounded aggressive or whatever. English is not my primary
language and sometimes I do not sound as I wanted... I just wanted to
acknowledge that no answer was kind of an answer to my questions.
And yes, I will share how I would like M/R to behave for future reference,
even if it is not going to be implemented short or mid term. Unfortunately,
I do not speak Erlang, so it would be hard for me to contribute, even if I
would love to. Maybe, I'd feel extra adventurous and give it a try though.
Thank you for your response, and I also wanted to say that I love the new
documentation site, compared to how it can be a struggle to understand how
some competitors'product can be installed, it really kicks ass.


On Fri, Oct 19, 2012 at 9:52 AM, Mark Phillips <m...@basho.com> wrote:

> On Fri, Oct 19, 2012 at 8:48 AM, Callixte Cauchois
> <ccauch...@virtuoz.com> wrote:
> > So... no answers.
> > I guess there are no smart minds at Basho working on M/R currently. Too
> bad,
> > but I guess a company has to choose its priority.
> A lovely "good morning" to you, too.
> >
> as part of my evaluation of Riak, I am looking at the M/R capabilities
> and I have several questions:
> 1/ the doc states that " Riak MapReduce is intended for batch
> processing, not real-time querying." But as of now, you always get the
> results and cannot automatically store them in a bucket like you would
> do with MongoDB for example. Is taht something that is on the roadmap?
> >
> This isn't something that's on the roadmap. That doesn't mean we won't
> do it, but no one is working on code that does this at the moment.
> That said, I'm told by one of our smart, busy minds here that works on
> m/r that it would not be the most complicated addition. It may well
> end up being part of future work but, again, there's no timeline on
> it.  In the mean time, any use case details you could share (short of
> "like you would do with MongoDB") that would help inform the
> development would be stellar.
> If you were feeling adventurous and wanted to write some erlang code,
> this behavior could be written as part of map or reduce job.
> >
> 2/ Basho blog has two articles from last year on Hadoop on top of
> Riak. Is this project still live? It is on github, so I can always dig
> it up and work on it, but I am wondering if there is something like
> Yokozuna for Hadoop integration.
> >
> The work on this specific code has stalled. That said, there are some
> people using Riak in production alongside hadoop, and we have plans to
> build deeper integration between the two at some point.
> As an aside, if you're looking for lower latency responses on
> implementation questions, you might want to consider hanging out in
> #riak on freenode.
> Mark
> twitter.com/pharkmillups
> >
> >
> > On Tue, Oct 16, 2012 at 11:03 AM, Callixte Cauchois <
> ccauch...@virtuoz.com>
> > wrote:
> >>
> >> Hi there,
> >>
> >> as part of my evaluation of Riak, I am looking at the M/R capabilities
> and
> >> I have several questions:
> >> 1/ the doc states that " Riak MapReduce is intended for batch
> processing,
> >> not real-time querying." But as of now, you always get the results and
> >> cannot automatically store them in a bucket like you would do with
> MongoDB
> >> for example. Is taht something that is on the roadmap?
> >> 2/ Basho blog has two articles from last year on Hadoop on top of Riak.
> Is
> >> this project still live? It is on github, so I can always dig it up and
> work
> >> on it, but I am wondering if there is something like Yokozuna for Hadoop
> >> integration.
> >>
> >> Thanks.
> >> C.
> >
> >
> >
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