On Fri, Oct 19, 2012 at 8:48 AM, Callixte Cauchois
<ccauch...@virtuoz.com> wrote:
> So... no answers.
> I guess there are no smart minds at Basho working on M/R currently. Too bad,
> but I guess a company has to choose its priority.

A lovely "good morning" to you, too.

as part of my evaluation of Riak, I am looking at the M/R capabilities
and I have several questions:
1/ the doc states that " Riak MapReduce is intended for batch
processing, not real-time querying." But as of now, you always get the
results and cannot automatically store them in a bucket like you would
do with MongoDB for example. Is taht something that is on the roadmap?

This isn't something that's on the roadmap. That doesn't mean we won't
do it, but no one is working on code that does this at the moment.
That said, I'm told by one of our smart, busy minds here that works on
m/r that it would not be the most complicated addition. It may well
end up being part of future work but, again, there's no timeline on
it.  In the mean time, any use case details you could share (short of
"like you would do with MongoDB") that would help inform the
development would be stellar.

If you were feeling adventurous and wanted to write some erlang code,
this behavior could be written as part of map or reduce job.

2/ Basho blog has two articles from last year on Hadoop on top of
Riak. Is this project still live? It is on github, so I can always dig
it up and work on it, but I am wondering if there is something like
Yokozuna for Hadoop integration.

The work on this specific code has stalled. That said, there are some
people using Riak in production alongside hadoop, and we have plans to
build deeper integration between the two at some point.

As an aside, if you're looking for lower latency responses on
implementation questions, you might want to consider hanging out in
#riak on freenode.


> On Tue, Oct 16, 2012 at 11:03 AM, Callixte Cauchois <ccauch...@virtuoz.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> as part of my evaluation of Riak, I am looking at the M/R capabilities and
>> I have several questions:
>> 1/ the doc states that " Riak MapReduce is intended for batch processing,
>> not real-time querying." But as of now, you always get the results and
>> cannot automatically store them in a bucket like you would do with MongoDB
>> for example. Is taht something that is on the roadmap?
>> 2/ Basho blog has two articles from last year on Hadoop on top of Riak. Is
>> this project still live? It is on github, so I can always dig it up and work
>> on it, but I am wondering if there is something like Yokozuna for Hadoop
>> integration.
>> Thanks.
>> C.
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