On Fri, Oct 19, 2012 at 8:02 AM, Guido Medina <guido.med...@temetra.com> wrote:
> It depends, if you have siblings enabled at the bucket, then you need to
> resolve the conflicts using the object vclock,

How does that work for simultaneous initial inserts?

> if you are not using
> siblings, last write wins, either way, I haven't got any good results by
> delegating that tasks to Riak, with siblings, eventually I ran Riak out in
> speed of the writes making Riak fail (Due to LevelDB write speed?). And with
> last write wins then I don't think you would want unexpected results, and
> hence my recommendation: We use two things to resolve such issues; in-memory
> cache + locking mechanism.

The problem is where the inserting client should handle new keys and
updates differently, or at least be aware that its insert failed or
will be ignored later.

> For the last quote, the locking mechanism if well designed will always take
> care of that.

If it is easy, why doesn't riak handle it?

   Les Mikesell

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