Any volunteer to test EMDB as a new Riak backend:


On Sep 30, 2012, at 6:15 PM, Howard Chu wrote:

> Kresten Krab Thorup wrote:
>> Howard,
>> I took a look at MDB, and it does look quite promising!
>> Perhaps you can enlighten us a bit on these aspects of MDB:
>> - How do you back up an MDB instance? Can you do that while it is actively
> updating, or do you need to stop it? I'm asking because the operational ease
> of the log-structured stores is one of the features that many Riak'ers like
> quite a lot.
> Since this was originally developed for OpenLDAP slapd we currently use 
> slapcat to backup an MDB instance. That won't be useful in general though, so 
> we will be providing an mdb_dump/mdb_load utility shortly. There is no need 
> to stop the database while performing a backup, but...
>  MDB uses MVCC, so once a read transaction starts, it is guaranteed a 
> self-consistent view of the database until the transaction ends.
>  Keeping a read txn open for a very long time will prevent the dirty page 
> reclaimer from re-using the pages that are referenced by that read txn. As 
> such, any ongoing write activity will be forced to use new pages. The DB size 
> can grow very rapidly in these situations, until the read txn ends.
>> - What is the typical response-time distribution for inserts? I've tried
>> to
> work with BDB some time back, and one of the issues with that is that every
> once in a while it slows down quite significantly as B-tree rebalancing makes
> some requests unreasonably slow.
> MDB is also a B+tree; at a high level it will have similar characteristics to 
> BDB. It's always possible for an insert that results in a page split to have 
> a cascade effect, causing page splits all the way back up to the root of the 
> tree. But in general MDB is still more efficient than BDB so the actual 
> variance will be much smaller.
> Also note that if you're bulk loading records in sorted order, using the 
> MDB_APPEND option basically degenerates into sequential write operations - 
> when one page fills, instead of splitting it in half as usual, we just 
> allocate a new sibling page and continue filling it. Page "splits" of this 
> sort can still ripple upward, but they're so cheap as to be unmeasurable.
>> - Does an MDB instance exploit multiple cores? If so, what is the
>> structure
> of this usage? In Riak, we have the benefit that a typical Riak node runs
> multiple independent databases (one for each data partition/vnode), and so at
> least that can provide some concurrency to better leverage I/O and CPU
> concurrency.
> Within an MDB environment, multiple readers can run concurrently with a 
> single writer. Readers are never blocked by anything. (Readers don't block 
> writers, but as mentioned above, can prevent old pages from being reused.)
>> Kresten
>> On Sep 29, 2012, at 9:50 PM, Kresten Krab Thorup 
>> <<>> wrote:
>> BETS May be a good template for MDB NIFs since the MDB API looks like bdb. 
>> It doesn't implement the Riak backend API but an ets subset.
>> Kresten
>> Trifork
>> On 28/09/2012, at 13.50, "Howard Chu" 
>> <<>> wrote:
>> yaoxinming wrote:
>> mdb looks very good ,you can use nif ,maybe you can look the eleveldb
>> project,that's a good example.
>> Thanks for the tip, I'll look into eleveldb.
>> 2012/9/27 Howard Chu <<> 
>> <>>
>>    Hi, I'm interested in developing a backend using OpenLDAP's memory-mapped
>>    database library (MDB). Unfortunately Erlang is not a language I've used
>>    before. Any tips on where to get started?
>>    You can find information on MDB here:
>>    <>
>>    Its read performance is several times faster than anything else out there,
>>    and scales perfectly linearly since readers require no locks. Its write
>>    performance is also quite fast...
>>    --
> -- 
>  -- Howard Chu
>  CTO, Symas Corp. 
>  Director, Highland Sun
>  Chief Architect, OpenLDAP
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