Howard, I took a look at MDB, and it does look quite promising!
Perhaps you can enlighten us a bit on these aspects of MDB: - How do you back up an MDB instance? Can you do that while it is actively updating, or do you need to stop it? I'm asking because the operational ease of the log-structured stores is one of the features that many Riak'ers like quite a lot. - What is the typical response-time distribution for inserts? I've tried to work with BDB some time back, and one of the issues with that is that every once in a while it slows down quite significantly as B-tree rebalancing makes some requests unreasonably slow. - Does an MDB instance exploit multiple cores? If so, what is the structure of this usage? In Riak, we have the benefit that a typical Riak node runs multiple independent databases (one for each data partition/vnode), and so at least that can provide some concurrency to better leverage I/O and CPU concurrency. Kresten On Sep 29, 2012, at 9:50 PM, Kresten Krab Thorup <<>> wrote: BETS May be a good template for MDB NIFs since the MDB API looks like bdb. It doesn't implement the Riak backend API but an ets subset. Kresten Trifork On 28/09/2012, at 13.50, "Howard Chu" <<>> wrote: yaoxinming wrote: mdb looks very good ,you can use nif ,maybe you can look the eleveldb project,that's a good example. Thanks for the tip, I'll look into eleveldb. 2012/9/27 Howard Chu <<> <>> Hi, I'm interested in developing a backend using OpenLDAP's memory-mapped database library (MDB). Unfortunately Erlang is not a language I've used before. Any tips on where to get started? You can find information on MDB here: <> Its read performance is several times faster than anything else out there, and scales perfeclty linearly since readers require no locks. Its write performance is also quite fast... -- -- -- Howard Chu CTO, Symas Corp.<> Director, Highland Sun Chief Architect, OpenLDAP _______________________________________________ riak-users mailing list<> Mobile: + 45 2343 4626 | Skype: krestenkrabthorup | Twitter: @drkrab Trifork A/S | Margrethepladsen 4 | DK- 8000 Aarhus C | Phone : +45 8732 8787 |<> _______________________________________________ riak-users mailing list