On Tue, 2012-07-24 at 17:00 -0400, Shuhao Wu wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 24, 2012 at 11:27 AM, Jeremy Thurgood <fir...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > On 24 July 2012 15:53, Sean Cribbs <s...@basho.com> wrote:
> >
> > So, on to my grandiose plans for the future of the Python Riak client.
> > We're currently using a combination of this client and Riakasaurus,
> > which is a Twisted-based client library that we maintain. Riakasaurus
> > is based (indirectly) on a previous version of the Python client, but
> > is different enough that it's impossible to pull in upstream changes
> > directly. The main reason for the divergence is that the Python client
> > assumes blocking network I/O operations that will return when they
> > have the required data, while Twisted uses an asynchronous
> > callback-based I/O mechanism.
> >
> > I think it would be possible to restructure the Python client somewhat
> > to decouple the higher-level operations from the lower-level network
> > operations in a way that would let us switch between Twisted-style
> > async I/O and more traditional blocking I/O. This would probably be a
> > fairly invasive change in some ways, but shouldn't have any noticeable
> > impact on the external API. I'm hoping it'll make the
> > ConnectionManager replacement cleaner and more flexible, but I don't
> > have a good enough mental model of the system to be sure.
> Actually. I already have a prototype of just a separation between the
> higher level and lower level API. I'm planning to add async IO (done
> in some local branch a couple months ago, but very crude) but haven't
> figured out a "good" way of doing it (callbacks, twisted style defer.
> Greenlet vs threads. etc.) just yet.

I'm highly interested in the async stuff! Would be great if you could
share your local branch or ideas.

> In addition I also added sibling handlings, which I believe is
> missing/lacking in the riak-python-client, which is a center part of
> my higher level design.
> If you want to take a look and see if this is something you think is
> what you mean, here's a link:
> https://github.com/ultimatebuster/riak-python-client2
> It's also a prototyping repo for me in terms of what to try to bring
> to the official clients via pull requests.
> > As the person proposing this, I'm happy to put some effort into
> > hacking up a prototype to see if this is actually a workable idea and
> > to do the bulk of the implementation work if it is -- it'll save on a
> > bunch of Riakasaurus maintenance in the future if we can pull it off.
> > I'm proposing some pretty drastic surgery to the existing codebase, so
> > I'd like to know if other people (especially Sean) think it's a good
> > idea before I sink too much time into it.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > --J
> >
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