Sean we use the Python client extensively and I don't see anything in what you are proposing that will cause us any pain. :-)
--gordon On Jul 24, 2012, at 08:53 , Sean Cribbs wrote: > Hey riak-users, > > I've begun adding Riak 1.2-related features to the Python client. As I am > doing so, I am reminded about how much technical debt exists in the client, > as discussed at length previously on Github and this mailing list. Because I > know some of you are using the client in production or as a component of > another library, I'd like to assess what risks there are in removing or > changing certain features. Here's my plan: > Remove all the set_r/get_r-style methods for quorums. Instead, RiakBucket > will have custom object-properties for these that let you set the > corresponding quorums in the bucket-properties, but will not be the sort of > cascading-preference behavior that it is currently. If you want to change a > quorum when fetching, storing, or deleting a key, you can pass it with > keyword arguments to the appropriate method. > Remove the edge-case-ridden ConnectionManager for a pair of resource pools > for each protocol, like what is available in the Ruby client. Access to a > connection would be granted via a 'with' statement, naturally, and the > protocol selected would be based on the stated preference of the user, or on > whether the transport supports the given feature. For example, stats would > always use HTTP. We could also take this opportunity to add error-sensitive > host selection and automatic retries to the client. > Merge the RiakSearch class into the RiakClient class and push some of its > functionality down into the connection classes. > I intend to make the Python client ready for the 1.2 release without these > refactorings, but I would greatly appreciate your feedback before starting > the above items. > > -- > Sean Cribbs <> > Software Engineer > Basho Technologies, Inc. > > > _______________________________________________ > riak-users mailing list > >
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