Yeah I definitely forgot to run the script I have not straightened things out 
because I was waiting to hear if there was a safe way to do so without losing 
data.  So do you happen to know one?  I would think that maybe leaving, 
reconfig and join or maybe backup, reconfig and restore, but I don't know the 
feasibility or safety of either, any idea?


On Feb 17, 2012, at 2:06 PM, Mark Phillips <> wrote:

> As far as I know we have never seen anything like this in testing or have we 
> had it reported. For that reason I'm inclined to say that you forget to run 
> your script. Any chance you straightened things out? Or are you still trying 
> to rectify things?
> Mark  
> On Tue, Feb 14, 2012 at 4:00 PM, Anthony Molinaro 
> <> wrote:
> Hi,
>  I have a system running riak 0.14.2 (I've kept from updating it based
> on all the bugs around adding of new nodes which I have to do fairly
> regularly, and which I hope are fixed in the upcoming 1.1).
>  I noticed something peculiar going on.  I use the multi backend with
> several different bitcask backends.  I do this so I can have different
> expirations on them.  I also have a default completely separate backend.
> I had a script I could run the first time I bring a node up to set the
> bucket properties.
>  However, I've noticed that now some nodes point to the default
> backends, others point to the specific backends.  Basically it's
> all jumbled up.  So, I'm not sure what happened.  Either
>  1. riak forgets bucket properties on restart/crash and restart
>  2. I forgot to run my script when setting up new machines
> So is it 1 or 2?  And how can I get myself out of this mess?  Can I
> do something like remove a node, then re-add it?  I'd prefer not to
> lose data if possible, so any hints would be great.
> -Anthony
> --
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Anthony Molinaro                           <>
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