
  I have a system running riak 0.14.2 (I've kept from updating it based
on all the bugs around adding of new nodes which I have to do fairly
regularly, and which I hope are fixed in the upcoming 1.1).

  I noticed something peculiar going on.  I use the multi backend with
several different bitcask backends.  I do this so I can have different
expirations on them.  I also have a default completely separate backend.
I had a script I could run the first time I bring a node up to set the
bucket properties.

  However, I've noticed that now some nodes point to the default
backends, others point to the specific backends.  Basically it's
all jumbled up.  So, I'm not sure what happened.  Either

  1. riak forgets bucket properties on restart/crash and restart
  2. I forgot to run my script when setting up new machines

So is it 1 or 2?  And how can I get myself out of this mess?  Can I
do something like remove a node, then re-add it?  I'd prefer not to
lose data if possible, so any hints would be great.


Anthony Molinaro                           <antho...@alumni.caltech.edu>

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