On Tue, Jan 31, 2012 at 1:46 PM, Matthew A. Brown <mat.a.br...@gmail.com> wrote:
> [error] error:undef done()
> The error message is followed by a dump of the reduce inputs which is,
> sadly, truncated before the bit where it would give the call trace.
> Our Erlang reduce code does not define or reference a function done(),
> but I do note that this function is defined in riak_kv:
> https://github.com/basho/riak_kv/blob/master/src/riak_kv_w_reduce.erl#L163

The "done()" you're seeing comes from 6 lines below where you were looking:


It is intended to give an idea of what stage the reduce fitting was in
when the error happened. Other strings you'll find are "reducing",
"riak_kv_w_reduce init", and "reducing handoff".

I would be interested in knowing what version of Riak you were using
when you encountered this error message.  Improving MapReduce errors
is something we're always working on.


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