Scratch that -- I tracked it down to an actual call to an undefined
function, which was not called "done()" -- I guess we can attribute
this to Erlang's rather inscrutable error messages.

On Tue, Jan 31, 2012 at 13:46, Matthew A. Brown <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm seeing a strange error raised from an Erlang reduce phase. This
> happens consistently with a certain set of inputs but I can't find any
> difference between those inputs and myriad other sets of inputs that
> produce no error. The error is simply:
> [error] error:undef done()
> The error message is followed by a dump of the reduce inputs which is,
> sadly, truncated before the bit where it would give the call trace.
> Our Erlang reduce code does not define or reference a function done(),
> but I do note that this function is defined in riak_kv:
> So I'm wondering if this might be a bug in Riak itself? Has anyone ever seen 
> it?
> Thanks!
> Mat

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