Best regards,
Zheng Zhibin

在 2012-1-21,上午1:01,Dmitry Demeshchuk <> 写道:

> Generally, using eventually consistent databases for e-commerce sounds
> too risky.
> But I know that there was some e-commerce stealth startup using Riak
> for their needs (probably not for all the data though, I don't know
> any details). Amazon uses Dynamo, which is quite similar to Riak. So
> NoSQL can be used in this niche somehow.
> Also, intuitively, most of the consistency problems might be avoided
> by setting all w/dw values to maximum (better set r to maximum too, of
> course).
> The hardest task I see here is to organize transactions for the cases
> like "we remove a product from database and we should alter all the
> orders that contain this product".
There is a lib which can help for this in some extent.

There is a Riak version as well:

Write for free, ops in read.
> On Fri, Jan 20, 2012 at 5:43 PM, Ahmed Al-Saadi <> 
> wrote:
>> Hello:
>> After reviewing a few options in the NoSQL space, I am considering using
>> Riak for an e-commerce platform. I gather that atomicity (transactions) is
>> not supported while durability can be enforced per request (using dw=1 or,
>> at least, w=<suitable value>?). In other words, for most non-critical
>> reads/writes, r/w can be optimized for availability while critical writes
>> must be committed to disk (or to "enough" nodes?), sacrificing availability
>> in the process.
>> Does this describe the state-of-affairs or am I missing something?
>> --
>> Ahmed Al-Saadi
>> Sent with Sparrow
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> -- 
> Best regards,
> Dmitry Demeshchuk
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