I just ran the two commands on all 4 nodes.

When run on one of the original nodes the first command 
(riak_core_ring_manager:force_update()) results in output like the following in 
the console of the new node
23:20:06.928 [info] loading merge_index 
23:20:06.929 [info] opened buffer 
23:20:06.929 [info] finished loading merge_index 
'./data/merge_index/331121464707782692405522344912282871640797216768' with 
rollover size 912261.12
23:20:07.006 [info] loading merge_index 
23:20:07.036 [info] opened buffer 
23:20:07.036 [info] finished loading merge_index 
'./data/merge_index/730750818665451459101842416358141509827966271488' with 
rollover size 1132462.08
23:20:47.050 [info] loading merge_index 
23:20:47.054 [info] opened buffer 
23:20:47.055 [info] finished loading merge_index 
'./data/merge_index/513809169374145557180982949001818249097788784640' with 
rollover size 975175.6799999999

riak_core_vnode_manager:force_handoffs() does not produce any output on any 
console on any node besides "OK". No tasty handover log messages to be found.

Furthermore I'm not sure what to make of the output from riak-admin transfers:
't...@qbkpxadmin01.ad.qnet.local' waiting to handoff 62 partitions
'qbkp...@qbkpx03.ad.qnet.local' waiting to handoff 42 partitions
'qbkp...@qbkpx01.ad.qnet.local' waiting to handoff 42 partitions

Our second node (qbkpx02) is missing from that list. The output also states 
that the new node (test) wants to handoff 62 partitions although it is the 
owner of 0 partitions.

riak-admin ring_status lists various pending ownership handoffs, all of them 
are between our 3 original nodes. The new node is not mentioned anywhere.

I'm really curious about the current state of our cluster. It does look rather 
exciting :)

From: Aphyr [ap...@aphyr.com]
Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2012 11:15 PM
To: Fredrik Lindström
Cc: riak-users@lists.basho.com
Subject: Re: Pending transfers when joining 1.0.3 node to 1.0.0 cluster

Did you try riak_core_ring_manager:force_update() and force_handoffs() on the 
old partition owner as well as the new one? Can't recall off the top of my head 
which one needs to execute that handoff.


On Jan 18, 2012, at 2:08 PM, Fredrik Lindström wrote:

Thanks for the response Aphyr.

I'm seeing Waiting on: [riak_search_vnode,riak_kv_vnode,riak_pipe_vnode] 
instead of [] so I'm thinking it's a different scenario.
It might be worth mentioning that the data directory on the new node does 
contain relevant subdirectories but the disk footprint is so small I doubt any 
data has been transferred.

From: Aphyr [ap...@aphyr.com]
Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2012 10:46 PM
To: Fredrik Lindström
Cc: riak-users@lists.basho.com<mailto:riak-users@lists.basho.com>
Subject: Re: Pending transfers when joining 1.0.3 node to 1.0.0 cluster


If partition transfer is blocked awaiting [] (as opposed to [kv_vnode] or 
whatever), There's a snippet in there that might be helpful.


On Jan 18, 2012, at 1:43 PM, Fredrik Lindström wrote:

After some digging I found a suggestion from Joseph Blomstedt in an earlier 
mail thread

in the riak console:

The symptoms would appear to be the same although the cluster referenced in the 
mail thread does not appear to have search enabled,
as far as I can tell from the log snippets. The mail thread doesn't really 
specify which node to run the commands on so I tried both the new node and the 
current claimant of the cluster.

Sadly the suggested steps did not produce any kind of ownership handoff.

Any helpful ideas would be much appreciated :)


[riak-users-boun...@lists.basho.com] on behalf of Fredrik Lindström 
Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2012 4:00 PM
To: riak-users@lists.basho.com<mailto:riak-users@lists.basho.com>
Subject: Pending transfers when joining 1.0.3 node to 1.0.0 cluster

Hi everyone,
when we try to join a 1.0.3 node to an existing 1.0.0 (3 node) cluster the 
ownership transfer doesn't appear to take place. I'm guessing that we're making 
some stupid little mistake but we can't figure it out at the moment. Anyone run 
into something similar?

Riak Search is enabled on the original nodes in the cluster as well as the new 
Ring size is set to 128

The various logfiles do not appear to contain any errors or warnings

Output from riak-admin member_status
================================= Membership ==================================
Status     Ring    Pending    Node
valid      33.6%     25.0%    
valid      33.6%     25.0%    
valid      32.8%     25.0%    
valid       0.0%     25.0%    

Output from riak-admin ring_status
See attached file

Output from riak-admin transfers
waiting to handoff 10 partitions
'qbkp...@qbkpx03.ad.qnet.local<mailto:'qbkp...@qbkpx03.ad.qnet.local>' waiting 
to handoff 62 partitions
'qbkp...@qbkpx01.ad.qnet.local<mailto:'qbkp...@qbkpx01.ad.qnet.local>' waiting 
to handoff 63 partitions


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