If partition transfer is blocked awaiting [] (as opposed to [kv_vnode] or 
whatever), There's a snippet in there that might be helpful.


On Jan 18, 2012, at 1:43 PM, Fredrik Lindström wrote:

> After some digging I found a suggestion from Joseph Blomstedt in an earlier 
> mail thread 
> in the riak console:
> riak_core_ring_manager:force_update().
> riak_core_vnode_manager:force_handoffs().
> The symptoms would appear to be the same although the cluster referenced in 
> the mail thread does not appear to have search enabled,
> as far as I can tell from the log snippets. The mail thread doesn't really 
> specify which node to run the commands on so I tried both the new node and 
> the current claimant of the cluster.
> Sadly the suggested steps did not produce any kind of ownership handoff.
> Any helpful ideas would be much appreciated :)
> /F
> From: [] 
> on behalf of Fredrik Lindström []
> Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2012 4:00 PM
> To:
> Subject: Pending transfers when joining 1.0.3 node to 1.0.0 cluster
> Hi everyone,
> when we try to join a 1.0.3 node to an existing 1.0.0 (3 node) cluster the 
> ownership transfer doesn't appear to take place. I'm guessing that we're 
> making some stupid little mistake but we can't figure it out at the moment. 
> Anyone run into something similar?
> Riak Search is enabled on the original nodes in the cluster as well as the 
> new node.
> Ring size is set to 128
> The various logfiles do not appear to contain any errors or warnings
> Output from riak-admin member_status
> ================================= Membership 
> ==================================
> Status     Ring    Pending    Node
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> valid      33.6%     25.0%    ''
> valid      33.6%     25.0%    ''
> valid      32.8%     25.0%    ''
> valid       0.0%     25.0%    ''
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Output from riak-admin ring_status
> See attached file
> Output from riak-admin transfers
> '' waiting to handoff 10 partitions
> '' waiting to handoff 62 partitions
> '' waiting to handoff 63 partitions
> /F
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