On Fri, Dec 23, 2011 at 3:55 AM, Luca Spiller <l...@stackednotion.com> wrote:

> Has anyone done anything like this before, and if so how has this
> worked out for you? With Luwak support being deprecated I'm guessing
> this isn't the direction Basho want to go with Riak, but it is an
> interestion suggestion none the less.

Really, this is a question of how big your values are and how much
latency you are willing to tolerate. People have (and do) store files
in Riak as single monolithic key/values. It works with reasonable
latency up to a certain size (sub-10's of MB with right
hardware/network) but for values larger than that you want to think
about chunking to avoid affecting latency of other requests in the
system. However, if you're ok with big latency, you can store larger
values (assuming they fit in memory).

Hope that helps,


Dave Smith
Director, Engineering
Basho Technologies, Inc.

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