I was reading the comments to a post on HN about building an in house
40TB backup solution [1]. There was a lot of discussion about doing it
in house vs using a hosted solution such as S3. One of the comments
was this:

> Yes S3 can get expensive, but imho this swings the pendulum too far in the 
> other direction. Something like a riak cluster of four 2U/24-drive servers 
> would get you the cost structure of good colo but the 
> features/resilience/operational-flexibility of something more like s3.

Has anyone done anything like this before, and if so how has this
worked out for you? With Luwak support being deprecated I'm guessing
this isn't the direction Basho want to go with Riak, but it is an
interestion suggestion none the less.

The only thing I am not sure about out-of-the-box is geo redundancy. I
understand that Riak EnterpriseDS is the preferred method for this,
but if you are only writing objects once, and to one node, would you
encounter any issues with the open-source version?


Luca Spiller

[1] http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=3384606

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