I can't say I'm thrilled to hear this. We use Luwak extensively.

> While the idea of Luwak was interesting, we ultimately decided that it
> wasn’t the architectural path we wanted to pursue for storing larger
> values in Riak.

Does this mean there is still an intention to support storing larger
values in Riak in the future?


2011/12/19 David Smith <diz...@basho.com>:
> Hi all,
> I wanted to take a moment and let the community-at-large know that we
> are going to end-of-life the Luwak functionality in Riak, as part of
> our 1.1 release in February. This simply means that the Luwak repo on
> Github will not be actively developed/supported by Basho, or included
> as a default Riak dependency. In keeping with our commitment to Open
> Source, the code will still be available if someone else wants to
> develop on it. You can also continue to use it with Riak if you are
> willing to edit the deps and compile from source -- the Luwak README
> will contain information on how to do this.
> While the idea of Luwak was interesting, we ultimately decided that it
> wasn’t the architectural path we wanted to pursue for storing larger
> values in Riak. If Luwak is a piece of your Riak deployment, we’d love
> to hear from you and incorporate your feedback into future directions.
> Please don’t hesitate to reach out to myself or Mark Phillips.
> Thanks,
> D.
> --
> Dave Smith
> Director, Engineering
> Basho Technologies, Inc.
> diz...@basho.com
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