Hi all,
I wanted to take a moment and let the community-at-large know that we
are going to end-of-life the Luwak functionality in Riak, as part of
our 1.1 release in February. This simply means that the Luwak repo on
Github will not be actively developed/supported by Basho, or included
as a default Riak dependency. In keeping with our commitment to Open
Source, the code will still be available if someone else wants to
develop on it. You can also continue to use it with Riak if you are
willing to edit the deps and compile from source -- the Luwak README
will contain information on how to do this.
While the idea of Luwak was interesting, we ultimately decided that it
wasn’t the architectural path we wanted to pursue for storing larger
values in Riak. If Luwak is a piece of your Riak deployment, we’d love
to hear from you and incorporate your feedback into future directions.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out to myself or Mark Phillips.
Dave Smith
Director, Engineering
Basho Technologies, Inc.

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