Greetings, all.

I was combing Bugzilla and release notes this weekend to find out whether the 
search-indices-not-so-fault-tolerant has been fixed yet. Nothing I found seemed 
to match exactly. Is the issue still present?

If so I think I'll go open a bug for it—I just didn't want to create a 
duplicate if it's already been done.

Thanks much,

-Markus S

On Aug 22, 2011, at 10:18 PM, Ryan Zezeski wrote:

> The reason for the nondeterministic behavior is two-fold.
> 1. For performance reasons Search only ever reads from 1 node (R=1)
> 2. As an attempt to balance load and reduce vnode contention this node is 
> selected randomly


>   I realize this sucks and isn't in line with Riak's more fault tolerant 
> behavior.  It does suck.  I hate the fact that I have to write this email 
> basically telling you this part of Search is broken, IMO.  I want to see it 
> addressed and I'm sure I'm not the only one.  Right now our internal ticket 
> board is buzzing in anticipation for the new release.  After that there is a 
> lot of love I want to give Search, this particular issue included.  I'd say 
> it's only a matter of time.

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