Hmmm, definitely not great... but thanks Ryan for the explanation


2011/8/23 Ryan Zezeski <>

> Gordon,
> The reason for the nondeterministic behavior is two-fold.
> 1. For performance reasons Search only ever reads from 1 node (R=1)
> 2. As an attempt to balance load and reduce vnode contention this node is
> selected randomly
> This is why it works 50% of the time.  Because now, for each index entry, 2
> partitions have the data and 1 does not.  So depending on which one you hit
> you'll get the data or not.   Furthermore, this behavior will continue until
> you reindex because the index in Search has no form of anti-entropy such as
> read repair or merkle trees.
> In the future the easiest thing is to replace that lost node as quickly as
> possible.  While it's down the other nodes will keep track of the new index
> entries and will transfer them during data handoff when the node comes alive
> again.  By removing the node you've changed the ring and your only option is
> to reindex as you are already doing.  I realize that bringing that node up
> or replacing it may not have been an option but this is the only way to
> avoid this problem with Search as it stands today.
>   I realize this sucks and isn't in line with Riak's more fault tolerant
> behavior.  It does suck.  I hate the fact that I have to write this email
> basically telling you this part of Search is broken, IMO.  I want to see it
> addressed and I'm sure I'm not the only one.  Right now our internal ticket
> board is buzzing in anticipation for the new release.  After that there is a
> lot of love I want to give Search, this particular issue included.  I'd say
> it's only a matter of time.
> -Ryan
> On Fri, Aug 19, 2011 at 2:46 PM, Gordon Tillman <>wrote:
>> Greetings all,
>> After an extended datacenter power outage, a 3-node Riak cluster shut
>> down.  When the power was restored, two of the three nodes came back up.
>> Don't know what is going on with the third node.  But in the mean time, have
>> removed the dead node from the ring.  The two remaining nodes show a good
>> ringready status.
>> The problem is that the search indexes appear to be in an inconsistent
>> state.  For example, I can issue the same solr query on one of the nodes and
>> 50% of the time it returns correct results.  The other times it returns an
>> empty result set.
>> I'm in the process of re-indexing the bucket in question (a very
>> time-consuming affair).  But I wonder if anyone could shed some light on
>> this situation as to why it occurred in the first place and if there is
>> anything that can be done to keep this from happening again in the future.
>> Many thanks,
>> --gordon
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