Kyle's recommendations are solid. 

If you're reaching a maximum throughput rate of 300 inserts per second 
regardless of number of nodes, then there's a fundamental infrastructure 

Eliminate every possible bottleneck one at a time:

You can eliminate disk as a bottleneck by testing with the in-memory backend. 
You can eliminate network as a bottleneck by testing on the host.
You can eliminate your client as a bottleneck by running basho_bench.

As someone who has spent a lot of time making RDBMSes go really fast, any 
waiting on disk is too much waiting on disk ;)
Jeremiah Peschka - Founder, Brent Ozar PLF, LLC
Microsoft SQL Server MVP

On Nov 20, 2011, at 12:56 PM, Aphyr wrote:

> On 11/20/2011 12:14 PM, Catalin Constantin wrote:
>> I am 100% sure the transfer rate is 10MBytes / second. This is not the
>> problem.
> In ten years of network administration I have never encountered an ethernet 
> device with a wire rate of 10 MBps. I have, however, encountered frequent 
> confusion over units. Perhaps you understand my suspicion here. :)
>> IOWAIT is also pretty low. iostat shows: iowait 4.69%
> If you read my email, I suggested that even values as low as 2.6% may suggest 
> contention. It depends on your CPU arch and utilization. I would investigate 
> your disks more closely. Are they spinning or solid-state? Median seek time? 
> 95/99 seek times? Disk cache? Does the riak process spend disproportionate 
> time in IO_WAIT relative to USER? Filesystem atime/relatime/noatime? FS block 
> size properly aligned for your disk? Insufficient filesystem or leveldb 
> cache? hdparm options? Is riak on an independent disk or competing with other 
> processes, i.e. syslog, file servers, etc? Does strace show an unusual amount 
> of time spent in certain system calls?
> It might just be leveldb, too. I only have experience with bitcask in 
> production.
>> I have retried the test with one node, a new bucket newly created where
>> i have set: n to 1.
>> bucket.set_n_val(1)
>> Results are the same. Less than 300 inserts / second.
> This is good; it rules out replication.
>> Any idea why riak is so slow on inserting data ?
> Disk, disk disk disk, disk disk? Disk!
> You could also look at the client. Are you writing to a local node or a 
> remote one? Is your client's threading model getting in the way? Can you 
> actually produce data fast enough to insert it? Is your client fighting for 
> the same resources as the riak process? Presuming you've ruled these out, 
> it's almost certainly network or disk.
> --Kyle
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