On 11/20/2011 05:19 AM, Catalin Constantin wrote:
The connection between servers is 10MBytes / sec not 10Mbit / sec.

Are you sure? To my knowledge almost no ethernet gear runs at 10 MB/s. It's almost always 10, 100, 1000, or 10000 Mb/s.

It may be your n_val. If it's the default (3), one of your two machines has to handle that third replica. That'll cut your throughput significantly. Finally, your disks may be the bottleneck. I'd take a look at iostat and look for significant (on our servers, 2.6% meant we were thrashing) IO_WAIT time on the riak beam.smp process.


One row of data looks like this:

I use Protobuf transport.
If dw = 0 and w = 0 there is no wait for other replica nodes, right ?

This should improve the write speed, correct ?

On Sun, Nov 20, 2011 at 2:21 PM, Erik Søe Sørensen <e...@trifork.com
<mailto:e...@trifork.com>> wrote:

    This depends quite a bit on the sizes of your objects.
    Supposing an average size of 2KB, and n=3: on each write, on average
    1.5 of the replicas would be on the other node, implying inter-node
    network traffic of 1.5*2KB=3KB (and this is just in one direction).
    If your inter-node network connection is indeed 10Mbit ~  1MB/s,
    then 300 writes/s * 3KB = 0.9MB/s would just about saturate the

    You may want to check the network utilization.
    From: riak-users-boun...@lists.basho.com
    <mailto:riak-users-boun...@lists.basho.com>] On Behalf Of Catalin
    Constantin [daz...@gmail.com <mailto:daz...@gmail.com>]
    Sent: 20 November 2011 11:10
    To: riak-users@lists.basho.com <mailto:riak-users@lists.basho.com>
    Subject: slow 2 node cluster


    I am trying to evaluate / run some tests on a 4 mil dataset.
    I have 2 nodes setup (different machines - 8GB ram each, I7 cpus).
    10 MB connection between them.

    I am trying to insert data into riak using w=1 and dw=1 (also tried
    with dw = 0, w = 0).
    For each risk object i have 4 indexes (2 binary 2 int).
    Riak backend is leveldb.

    I can't get more than 300 inserts per second.
    I have also tried running 2 threads each hitting the different node.
    Nothing changed too much.

    Is this normal behavior ?

    Catalin Constantin

Catalin Constantin
Dazoot Software

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