On Oct 4, 2011 7:01 PM, "Mike Oxford" <moxf...@gmail.com> wrote:
> You'll want to run protobufs if you're looking to optimize your
> response time; HTTP sockets (even to localhost) will require much more
> overhead and time.

Hmm? The protocol seems moot, compared to inter-node comms when r > 1.
Protocol parsing just doesn't seem like much of a factor. On my laptop, I
was seeing a 3ms response time against one node. I can't imagine that
parsing was more than a few percent, no matter the protocol.

(and no, I have no specific numbers to confirm/deny my thought experiment

> Even better would be unix sockets if they're available, and you can
> bypass the whole TCP stack.

What? Is that even an option for Riak? I haven't seen anything about that.


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