On Tue, Oct 4, 2011 at 3:59 PM, Greg Stein <gst...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Regarding security: it is the same for option A and B and C (you're
> just shifting stuff around, but it is pretty much all the same). Put
> your webservers in one security group, and the Riak nodes in another.
> Open the Riak ports *only* to the webserver security group and to each
> other.

Not quite the same.  If you get rooted on a webhead you don't want your
data there (esp with an erl shell.)

> Avoiding two services on one machine (e.g web + riak) is also much
> easier to manage/maintain. Just have web machines and riak machines.

I disagree; it's more work to maintain two machines correctly.  However
the extra work is worth it for security/scalability.


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