What up Harshal, Since at least 0.13.x, the solr interface has supported both AND and OR queries just fine, even in combination.
{a: "foo"} {a: "bar"} {a: ["foo", "bar"]} {a: "bar baz"} curl "http://localhost:8098/solr/bucket_name/select?wt=json&q=a:foo+OR+a:bar " (4 results) curl " http://localhost:8098/solr/bucket_name/select?wt=json&q=a:foo+AND+a:bar" (1 result) curl " http://localhost:8098/solr/bucket_name/select?wt=json&q=a:foo+AND+(a:bar+OR+a:baz) " (2 results) - Kev c: +001 (650) 521-7791 On Wed, Sep 28, 2011 at 11:19 AM, Harshal Dhir <harshal.d...@solutionset.com > wrote: > Hi, > > We were wondering what is the best possible way to perform "AND / OR" > queries in RiakSearch. It seems OR works but how do I perform an AND on the > same field. > > For example: > > DATA: > > {a : "test" } {a: "test"} {a: "test2"} > > "test" OR "test2" would return both. But, we are looking to return AND > query result, since obviously "test2" AND "test" won't return anything. > > So, we are looking for guidance on how do we store data in such a way that > AND queries would be possible. > > Whats the best recommended approach both prior to 1.0 and 1.0 going > forward. > > > Thanks > Harshal > > > * > > * > > > _______________________________________________ > riak-users mailing list > riak-users@lists.basho.com > http://lists.basho.com/mailman/listinfo/riak-users_lists.basho.com > >
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