
If you had an object like `{"a": "test test2"}` then `test AND test2` would
match it.

Out of curiosity, are you using search as a secondary index mechanism?  If
so you should know that Riak has built-in secondary index support for 1.0
where you can add tags to your objects.


On Wed, Sep 28, 2011 at 2:19 PM, Harshal Dhir

> Hi,
> We were wondering what is the best possible way to perform "AND / OR"
> queries in RiakSearch. It seems OR works but how do I perform an AND on the
> same field.
> For example:
> {a : "test" }  {a: "test"} {a: "test2"}
> "test" OR "test2" would return both. But, we are looking to return AND
> query result, since obviously "test2" AND "test" won't return anything.
> So, we are looking for guidance on how do we store data in such a way that
> AND queries would be possible.
> Whats the best recommended approach both prior to 1.0 and 1.0 going
> forward.
> Thanks
> Harshal
> *
> *
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