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Object versioning can be done in as many ways as you'd like ;) It's going to be 
a matter of working within your data model and defining how you'd like it to 
work. Since you probably don't want to use object sibling (trust me, you 
don't),  you can play tricks with keys and use a meaningful key plus the 
timestamp, or a version number, much like is done with software.

Another option would be to keep a separate version bucket and store versioned 
objects in there. This would involve two saves on your part (one for the 
original object being pushed into the version bucket and one for the new 
version) but I can't see an easier way.

Finally, there's no easy way that I know of to retrieve all links in a 
hierarchy. Just like you can't tell a relational database "I have this row, 
give me every row that's related to this row in some way" (the hell of 
recursive CTEs not considered), Riak has no such functionality. You can, 
however, write a looping query to perform this search for you. 

Instead you could use the new secondary indexes feature  and index your 
versions with a single value for easy identification. All versions of a 
document have an index on a canonical name for the document - this could be an 
ISBN, URL, internal identifier. Then querying for older versions becomes a 
matter of performing a secondary index query and finding the right objects 
rather than walking a link hierarchy that could end up being cyclical if you 
aren't careful.

Jeremiah Peschka - Founder, Brent Ozar PLF, LLC
Microsoft SQL Server MVP

On Oct 1, 2011, at 7:44 AM, Anton Podviaznikov wrote:

> Hi,
> I just starting to use Riak and have following situation:
> I want to store some JSON documents inside Riak. After updating document I 
> want to save new copy in the same bucket with the link to the "parent" 
> revision.
> Then my task is to retrieve all revisions for the specified document.
> However I didn't find any examples how to do this if I don't know the depth 
> of the tree (amount of revisions), there are just examples hot to achieve 
> first linked document or second. Do you have any hints?
> One more question: are there any patterns for storing versioned objects 
> inside Riak? Any previous discussion on this list?
> P.S. Since probably these question was asked previously can you suggest a way 
> how to make search over this mailing list? I see archive 
> ( but  don't 
> know how to search it.
> Thank you in advance!
> Best regards,
> Anton Podviaznikov
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