Hi, I just starting to use Riak and have following situation:
I want to store some JSON documents inside Riak. After updating document I want to save new copy in the same bucket with the link to the "parent" revision. Then my task is to retrieve all revisions for the specified document. However I didn't find any examples how to do this if I don't know the depth of the tree (amount of revisions), there are just examples hot to achieve first linked document or second. Do you have any hints? One more question: are there any patterns for storing versioned objects inside Riak? Any previous discussion on this list? P.S. Since probably these question was asked previously can you suggest a way how to make search over this mailing list? I see archive ( http://lists.basho.com/pipermail/riak-users_lists.basho.com/) but don't know how to search it. Thank you in advance! Best regards, Anton Podviaznikov
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