On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 8:09 AM, pille <pille+riak-us...@struction.de> wrote:
> >
> unfortunately our demand for capacity is increasing faster than anticipated,
> so waiting for ceph to become stable isn't an option anymore. we don't have
> human resources for developing a good fuse bindings ourselves.
> of course, if we don't find anything, we can simply scale out our
> active/passive architecture we're running at the moment, but this gets more
> and more complicated, the more servers we throw in.
> that's why i'm looking for some beautiful and simple design that minimizes
> the possibility of administrative failures.

Probably very off-topic here but we all have to deal with hardware at
some level and this is an interesting brute-force approach to

I believe they only provide an http layer for access, not file system
emulation though, and the software isn't open source.

  Les Mikesell

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