This makes sense to me. 

Now I shall use this knowledge to take over the world. Or to re-write part of 
the CorrugatedIron MapReduce functionality.
Jeremiah Peschka - Founder, Brent Ozar PLF, LLC
Microsoft SQL Server MVP

On Sep 26, 2011, at 6:51 AM, Bryan Fink wrote:

> On Sat, Sep 24, 2011 at 4:39 PM, Jeremiah Peschka
> <> wrote:
>> MapReduce phases with a keep set to true are returning in multiple 
>> RpbMapRedResp messages. I expected this, especially since hte API says it's 
>> possible. What's causing the issue is the output format.
> …
>> Is there a reason that Riak is returning discrete JSON chunks instead of 
>> streaming back raw bytes to the client? Is there less documented change in 
>> Riak 1.0 that will prevent this type of behavior (which incidentally didn't 
>> crop up until the 1.0 pre-release builds).
> Hi, Jermiah.  We recently found a similar misunderstanding in the Java
> client.  You read the API correctly, but the pre-1.0 MapReduce system
> never exploited that feature, so clients implementing that behavior
> didn't have much to test against.
> The intent of returning discrete JSON chunks is to allow each response
> chunk to be fully consumable without further information.  You should
> be able to parse each response independently, instead of having to
> wait for a "done" signal.  This encapsulation is also important when
> multiple phases set keep=true, because it allows them to interleave
> results in the response, instead of blocking on each other.
> The HTTP interface uses a similar setup when streamed results are
> requested, using the query parameter chunked=true.  Since all PB
> results are "streamed", the same encapsulation is used.
> -Bryan

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