On Sat, Sep 24, 2011 at 4:39 PM, Jeremiah Peschka
<jeremiah.pesc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> MapReduce phases with a keep set to true are returning in multiple 
> RpbMapRedResp messages. I expected this, especially since hte API says it's 
> possible. What's causing the issue is the output format.
> Is there a reason that Riak is returning discrete JSON chunks instead of 
> streaming back raw bytes to the client? Is there less documented change in 
> Riak 1.0 that will prevent this type of behavior (which incidentally didn't 
> crop up until the 1.0 pre-release builds).

Hi, Jermiah.  We recently found a similar misunderstanding in the Java
client.  You read the API correctly, but the pre-1.0 MapReduce system
never exploited that feature, so clients implementing that behavior
didn't have much to test against.

The intent of returning discrete JSON chunks is to allow each response
chunk to be fully consumable without further information.  You should
be able to parse each response independently, instead of having to
wait for a "done" signal.  This encapsulation is also important when
multiple phases set keep=true, because it allows them to interleave
results in the response, instead of blocking on each other.

The HTTP interface uses a similar setup when streamed results are
requested, using the query parameter chunked=true.  Since all PB
results are "streamed", the same encapsulation is used.


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